Hire Experienced Private Investigators

Hire Experienced Private Investigators

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Hire Experienced Private Investigators

As an investigator in Florida for over 25 years, I’ve seen my share of inexperienced and unqualified investigators.

Private Investigators are sometimes perceived as sneaky, secretive and willing to hurl themselves in other personal lives for their own profit.  These are the investigators to stay away from.  As in any business transaction, you must vet the other person to ensure integrity.  Don’t be afraid to ask about the investigator’s experience.

Tips on vetting a private investigator:

  • Licensed – Florida Private Investigators are licensed by the state.  Make sure license is current. This licensing required experience and state mandated testing. 
  • Experience – Check out resumes of the investigators within the agency
  • Ask for sample reports/case work
  • Know the law – Investigators are not allowed to record audio, put GPS tracking on a vehicle not owned by them, etc.
  • Ask for a contract

Private Investigation is valuable and necessary profession and must be compounded with the highest level of integrity.