ISG Private Investigators Support Law Enforcement

ISG Private Investigators Support Law Enforcement

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ISG Private Investigators Support Law Enforcement

Every week we continue to see Law Enforcement Officers throughout the country get injured or give there life in protection of the community.  Although, most of America supports our Law Enforcement Officers, there are some that continue this hatred of police officers.  THIS MUST STOP! 

In looking at social media, I continue to read about and observe signs and videos of people expressing their displeasure with Police.  Maybe displeasure is not the correct word…It is Hate. These continued crimes against police must stop. 

We need to unite as a country and end the lives matter slogan.  We all matter.  UNITE! 

As a former law enforcement officer and now Private Investigator in the State of Florida, I am sickened as to the anti-law enforcement sentiment by some.  Of course the “some” is a very small amount of the population, but they continue get get attention of media outlets.

Support your local law enforcement officers.  They are protecting you and the community.  They all deserve a big THANK YOU!