Florida Private Investigator – GPS is your friend

Florida Private Investigator – GPS is your friend

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Florida Private Investigator – GPS is Your Friend

GPS tracking is an extremely useful tool for a Private Investigator.  Prior to using a GPS tracker, know the law in your state.  In the state of Florida, we primarily use a tracker on a cheating spouse or child endangerment case.  In the cases, the client is the owner of the vehicle.

The GPS tracker is usually placed under the vehicle with weatherproof box and magnet.  The tracker is in real time and is extremely beneficial to the investigator and client.  The surveillance investigator uses a laptop, tablet or smartphone to monitor the subject.  Examples of successful cases are as follows:

  • Husband hires ISG to conduct surveillance on wife.  He believes she is CHEATING.  Wife is a stay at home mom.  She states that she goes to the gym, lunch with friends and normal errands.  With GPS tracker, we reveal an unscheduled stop at a residence in Fort Lauderdale.  This went on for 4-5 times per week.  Video obtained of wife and later identified male at the residence.  This male was identified as a ex-boyfriend.  Proof obtained for client.
  • Teen whereabouts – Case involving 17 year old teen from Boca Raton, Florida.  Parents wanted to know where he goes at night and weekends.  Grades are slipping a little and teen is sometimes defiant.  A laid back approach on following subject initiated.  Tracker provided the area and investigators converged on the target.  Subject observed practicing in a rock band.  This went on for weeks of tailing him.  Parents forbid him to play in a band and he kept it hidden.  I say ROCK ON BOY.

GPS is just one of the tools of the trade.  If you think your spouse is cheating, this is an option.  Remember to never tell your spouse “I’m going to hire a private investigator to follow you.”